Saturday 20 October 2007

The gut feel

And now,  an entirely unimaginative  "me too"  of a post.  I have to add my wholehearted  "amen"  to the following orison,  from Mindless Munkey:

I hate our current Prime Minister so much it's like a physical sensation.  Please please please,  Australia - make the right choice.  The Howard Era should never have happened.  It has most certainly gone on far too long.  It must end now.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Hear Hear!
I hate these weeks of suspense now though. I wish the election was this weekend so that it was all over and done with. Also, it would mean Howard was out of time for one of those last minute pre-election surprises that he seems so good at.
Now where did I put that postal vote application...